The Russian Presidential Academy hosted Business Battle – a strategy and management championship for its 40 branches and faculties.

Global Management Challenge is an innovative way to develop the knowledge and skills of our employees It is also an opportunity to discover management potential among young talents.

Business Battle is a special subproject of the Global Management Challenge World Strategy and Management Championship . Every year, more than two thousand people become participants in the project, and its representatives in the student and professional leagues participate in the national final of the championship. In the 2022–2023 season, more than 3,100 applications were submitted for participation in the project from more than 40 branches and faculties of the RANEPA and 589 game teams consisting of three to five people were formed.

Business Battle is a competition based on a computer business simulator that simulates the activities of a manufacturing company. Teams of participants receive virtual organizations with the same starting indicators for management. Their task during the championship is to manage these assets, making over 60 management decisions in the following areas: development and implementation of strategy, R&D, personnel, production, finance and marketing. Comprehensive and balanced management ensures the successful participation of teams in the championship and the effective development of practical skills in developing an enterprise strategy.

“It is very good that representatives of our branch network are so effectively involved in competency development activities, which are very important in the current situation in the country and the world. Among the participants are not only students, but also teachers, employees, students of MBA programs of our Academy. As part of the final, teams from seven branches, one institute and two faculties of the Moscow campus took part. Prize-winners and winners of the Business Battle receive 25 points as a valuable prize upon admission to the RANEPA master’s programs. More winners, by tradition, are invited to the national finals of the Global Management Challenge. I wish good luck to our teams in the All-Russian competitions in strategy and management,” said the director of the Institute for Organizational Development and Strategic Initiatives (IORSI) of the RANEPA,

The finalists were students of the MBA programs of the Institute of Business and Business Administration (IBDA) of the RANEPA, teachers and employees of the North-Western Institute of Management, the Central Russian Institute of Management, the Western and Karelian branches of the Academy, as well as the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FESN) of the RANEPA. Among the eight student teams are the Far Eastern Institute of Management, the Volga Institute of Management. P.A. Stolypin, Central Russian Institute of Management, Kaluga, Karelian and Western branches of RANEPA, as well as FESN RANEPA and the Faculty of Finance and Banking (FFB) RANEPA.

According to the results of the finals in the student league, the Pillars of Creation team from the Western branch took the third place, the second place went to the Glare of perfection team, which was presented by students from the Karelian branch and the RANEPA FESN, and the BB Channel FESN RANEPA team became the winner. In the professional league, the employees of the Central Russian Institute of Management – the team “National Treasure” – took the third place, the team “Course for Victory” from the North-Western Institute of Management took the second place, the first place was taken by the team “Conquistadors”, which included representatives of the Karelian branch and FESN RANEPA .

Dean of the RANEPA FESN Alexander Chichin, Vice-Rector of the RANEPA, Director of the IBDA RANEPA Sergey Myasoedov, Director of the Department of Regional Policy of the RANEPA Yegor Alekseev and Director of the NWRIU RANEPA Andrey Khlutkov came to support their teams. Minister of Economic Development and Investments of the Perm Territory Eduard Sosnin took part in the awards ceremony and presented the capital of the 2023 national final.

“Today we saw once again how the prestige of this business championship is growing. A large-scale reconciliation of the level of young managers is now especially in demand, and our academy with its dozens of branches across the country is just an ideal structure for business competitions at the all-Russian level, ”said Alexander Chichin, Dean of the FESN RANEPA.

“Today, the activities of professional managers, real business leaders, take place in an atmosphere of rapid changes in the business environment, technologies, changing mentality and values ​​of people. And in this regard, simulation games, business simulations, to which the Global Management Challenge game belongs, are more than important. They teach people to work in an environment close to reality. And the competitive spirit, participation in these competitions of representatives of various regions and various groups of managers – those who are still studying for a bachelor’s degree and those who are already mastering the heights of mastery of MBA programs, are all the more important, since this shows that within the framework of the RANEPA, a continuity of various generations is being formed. of the Russian business and management elite,” said the director of the IBDA RANEPA, Vice-Rector of the RANEPA, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Sociology,

All teams and participants in the final were awarded certificates of participation in the project, and the winners and prize-winners also received commemorative cups.

“Participation in the Business Battle championship left a vivid impression: the competition was very serious, and the atmosphere of the competition was exciting. I didn’t think that I would be among the winners, but the whole team tried very hard. The championship is aimed at developing a whole range of skills that are necessary for modern management. I hope that such events will become a good tradition and will be held as often as possible,” shared her impressions a member of the Conquistadors team, a specialist from the Center for Further Education of the Karelian Branch of the RANEPA Ilona Shaloinikova.

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